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Urban Light landscapes

The research studies the urban landscape in the hours of night and dawn emanating from a holistic point of view that includes physical, perceptual, spatial, social and economic relations.
Based on the results obtained, it proposes to establish criteria that need to be taken into account for the design of Lighting Guidelines for these Urban Light Landscapes, in order to promote their articulation, activation, use and management at night.

Lines of investigation

Nocturnal SWOT Analysis

The research process consists in developing an analysis of current and potential nocturnal dynamics in public spaces, detecting their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
The identification of these characteristics inherent to each specific area during the night allows to establish consistent guidelines for the management of its future illumination.

Impact monitoring

Impact monitoring is a tool to investigate in-depth the link between lighting and quality of different urban spaces. Monitoring documents and analyzes the situation before, during and after a lighting intervention and is focused on the perception and behavior of users and inhabitants who frequent those places. The study seeks to generate data which allow for the optimization of planning processes, design and management for future lighting and consequently for the creation of more human and accepted environments.

Night and Civic Coexistence

The focus of this line of research seeks to understand the socio-cultural dynamics at night, analyzing the relationship between coexistence and public lighting schemes.
The interventions developed by Nocturno are an important input to examine the effect of light on night security, actors and night activities.

Night-time Economy

Night time activities are, undoubtedly, an important part of the economy in a city. The study of existing and potential economies (formal and informal) seeks to optimize the approach of their administration in our cities during the night.

Lighting and Environment

This line of investigation studies and analyzes the impact of artificial lighting in urban landscapes, preserve areas (fauna and flora), effects of light pollution on the environment and living organisms. It promotes the protection of the night skies and is related to good practices of a sustainable and respectful handling of artificial lighting.

Research is a key resource in understanding the effect of light on nocturnal dynamics and thus forms the basis to allow for their improvement.
The objective is to promote knowledge and stimulate research in certain areas, with the idea that it will be possible to take the fruitful culture of the appropriation of the public space during the day to originate the appropriation of the urban environment at night.
Type and methodology of scientific research vary according to the theme and purpose of the line of investigation, but it is always based on the outcome of the field research, resulting from the interventions.

Nocturno puts special enfasis in short term and long term interventions taking into account the still incomplete material existing in the area of light.


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